PUG Challenge 2022 is NEXT WEEK!
As written in the previous article, finally after three years the PUG Challenge is back in front of LIVE and ONLINE audience and starting NEXT WEEK on Wednesday 31st of August 2022. The PUG Challenge is a joint effort of the EMEA PUG Challenge, PUG Challenge Americas, PUG Challenge Africa and POET Summit.
All the details are now available and you can still book your seat in the beautiful conference rooms of the Hilton Vienna Park Hotel or watch the event from your own seat with the onsite coverage because the PUG Challenge 2022 is a Hybrid Event!
Break-Out Sessions
The conference is packed with break-out sessions divided into different tracks and presented by Progress Software as well as a top selection of the Community speakers. Sessions include:
- Whats New in the ABL
- OpenEdge ABL Application Memory Profiling
- Jira Integration Using the OpenEdge HTTP Client
- Web, Mobile, App, Exe, … all with one Environment
- ABL Code and Memory Leaks
- OpenEdge DB and Continuous Operations
- High Performance Database
- ProBro: VSC Extension for Progress DB Browsing
- OpenEdge Database Performance and Resilience 2022
- and many more...
The complete program is available on the Program Page of the Conference site.
Besides the Break-Out sessions there will be Workshops every day of the conference during the early morning hours (08:30/09:00 - 11:30). The 3 hour workshops on the program are:
- Your Safe Move to the Cloud - How to transform a Windows solution into a full-blown web application
- Tips and Tricks for Progress Application Server for OpenEdge
- OpenEdge batch processing in a Docker Container
- Structured Error-Handling
- OpenEdge DBA: Advanced Problem Solving What Every OpenEdge DBA Needs to Know
- Supporting Progress Application Server for OpenEdge
Note: Workshops are only available to on-site visitors and have an additional cost of € 50,00 per workshop. Most of the workshops are already sold out but some are repeated.
Hybrid Event
As announced in April the PUG Challenge 2022 is a hybrid event with both the option to visit in person as well as to follow the event on-line. Nothing beats being at the conference in person but the organising committee has put a lot of effort to bring you the best possible coverage on-line. The conference can be followed from the PUG Challenge Conference site from any place in the world with an internet connection, even from your comfortable beach chair if you're still enjoying a holiday.
Even the entertainment evening on Thursday the 1st of September will have a special artist Keelan Leyser who will be showing his unique illusions with iPads, Drones, LED Screen, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Holograms and Social Media for all the on-line spectators. Read more about Keelan on his website.
For the on-site visitors there will be a networking evening on Wednesday the 31st of August with Viennese music and the Oktoberfest Beer Garden themed party on Thursday the 1st of September with dancing, live band and games!
Although we're only a few days away from the start of the conference, you can still book your seat either on-site or on-line. Don't wait any longer - rush to the Registration Page and make sure you will be one of the fortunate delegates of the PUG Challenge 2022 - the only in-depth OpenEdge focused conference!
Questions? Doubts?
Do you have a question? Still having doubts about the event? Just ask us by filling out the Contact Form on the bottom of this article and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna or on your screen streaming!